Check in with No Coast Candle!

  • Hey No Coasters!

    Hello everyone! It’s Seth with No Coast Candle. It’s been a few months since you all have heard from me. I’ve told you before and I’ll tell you aga...
  • Supporting Local

    We’ve all heard the phrase “shop local.” But do you know why you should shop locally and support your local small businesses? Let’s take a look som...
  • Mid-Year Check-In

    I have been putting off writing this blog because I don’t think I’m going to like the numbers. It’s been a slow start to 2023 but we have seen some...
  • Looking Forward

    Welcome to 2023! In our first blog we did a 2022 review. We had a fantastic year and are thankful all of you supported us one way or another. As we...
  • 2022 In Review

    As 2022 comes to a close, we would like to reflect on the year and thank all of our customers. Brenton and I set very ambitious goals for No Coast ...